Profile PictureErik Hayton

First-5 Steps to Connections on Demand

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First-5 Steps to Connections on Demand


Learn the best practices behind good:

- Market Research;

- How 2 Identify Your Ideal Customers (Segments).

- How 2 properly Target and Qualify people before reaching out.

- How 2 find specific and high-quality data with Prospecting.

- And How 2 start Probing them (respectfully) for initial engagement.

There's a lot more to learn in establishing Connections on Demand, but this should at least get you started.

Reach out if you get stuck!

And be sure to like, follow and subscribe to @erikhaytonofficial for more tips, tricks & guides like this; and if any of this is a little daunting, check out ourCourses & Community for more in-depth training and exclusive access to our time-tested scripts & systems.

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Made with ❤️ by Erik Hayton @ The Big Kid’s Table (@erikhaytonofficial)

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